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The Vision of Spurgeon College

Originally published in the Midwestern Magazine, Issue 36

For about a decade now, of course, we have had an undergraduate arm known as Midwestern College. Yet, over the past several years, we have undergone a season of review and reflection of how best to position our undergraduate program to impact and to advance the kingdom of Christ. Hence, Spurgeon College was born.

Why Spurgeon College? To begin with, we own on this campus Charles Spurgeon’s personal library. But more importantly, we affirm Charles Spurgeon’s convictions for his day and share his passions for theology, the gospel, mission, and the church.

Spurgeon was a great pulpiteer, yes, but he also founded some 66 different ministries with myriad points of social and cultural impact. Through Spurgeon College, we will continue to train the minister, the pastor, and the missionary, but we will also raise up a generation of students for the marketplace; men and women of God who will be business people, teachers, and other engagers of the public sphere.

The announcement earlier this year of the launch of Spurgeon College was an exciting one for me.

As we look over our shoulders at all that God has done these past six years, we find ourselves in this present moment chasing the future with institutional ambition and determination. Spurgeon College has brought Midwestern Seminary into a new and expanded phase of our ministry. Superbly led by Dean Sam Bierig, Spurgeon College is equipping a new generation of students for the Kingdom.

As you no doubt know, Midwestern Seminary’s vision is to exist for the Church. We are giving our very best energies to training a new generation of pastors, ministers, and missionaries. Yet, Spurgeon College’s vision has even gone a touch broader. Through undergraduate programs, we are not only training pastors, ministers and missionaries but also equipping a generation of bi-vocational church planters, business-as-mission missionaries, and a whole host of other young men and women who want to be prepared to expand the footprint of Christ’s Kingdom. So, in addition to the disciplines of Christian Ministry and Christian Studies, Spurgeon College also offers a growing list of undergraduate degrees including humanities, business, communications, and counseling psychology.

Spurgeon College is absolutely different from the typical university or college. From top to bottom, Spurgeon College is positioned to train young men and women who are serious about honoring God with their lives, and are serious about their studies as being preparatory for a life of Christian service, whether in or outside of traditional ministry roles.

I invite you to come experience Spurgeon College. Perhaps God is even calling you to be a part of this new and fine institution.

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