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Dr. Gonzalez serves Midwestern Seminary as professor of biblical studies and assistant director of the school’s new Spanish Ph.D. program.
Having come to Christ the day before his 20th birthday, Dr. Gonzalez answered God’s call to Christian vocation a year later and has served in the pastorate and theological education for almost five decades. Over the years he has pastored churches in New Mexico, Texas, and California.
Dr. Gonzalez served as professor of New Testament at Golden Gate (now Gateway) Seminary before being appointed as director of interfaith evangelism for the North American Mission Board. In 2004, he was appointed vice president for student services and professor of New Testament, and later dean for Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Throughout his ministry he has stayed committed to theological education and he also has a zealous heart for the local church. Currently, he is a writer for Lifeway Christian Resources, Bible Studies for Life Spanish Sunday School Curriculum. He also teaches adult Sunday School at his church.
Dr. Gonzalez received his B.A. from The Criswell College, a M.Div. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, a Th.M. from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from Baylor University. He has recently authored Then Came Hispangelicals: The Rise of the Hispanic Evangelical and Why it Matters.
Fluent in both English and Spanish, Dr. Gonzalez has been a conference speaker, preacher, and teacher in both languages both at home and abroad.
Rudy and his wife, Virginia, have one son, Rudolf Uriah.