The Master of Applied Theology (MAT) is designed for those who want to understand and employ biblical, theological, and practical knowledge in urgent ministry areas. Those who complete the MAT will be equipped for specialized Christian leadership in churches or para-church ministries. All credits from the MAT can be applied toward the MDiv Standard, the corresponding MDiv emphasis, or select other master’s degrees.
Degree Objectives:
- Interpret Christian Scripture with hermeneutical and exegetical excellence
- Confess Christian doctrine with biblical, theological, and historical awareness
- Employ practical skills in an area of applied theology for the Church
MAT Core Course List (30 HRS)
- BS 2400 Intro to Hermeneutics
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II
- HT 3200 Theology I
- HT 3201 Theology II
- MN 5006 Biblical Spirituality
Choose One:
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
- HT 3110 Baptist History
MAT, Standard
Foundational Core (30 hrs)
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics (3 hrs)
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics (3 hrs)
- HT 3200 Theology I (3 hrs)
- HT 3201 Theology II (3 hrs)
- MN 5060 Evangelism & Discipleship (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- HT 3110 Baptist History
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
Standard Emphasis (15 hrs)
- MN 5015 Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism Pract. (3 hrs)
- MN 5409 Christian Leadership Practicum (3 hrs)
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum (3 hrs)
- MN 5490 Ministry Stewardship Practicum (3 hrs)
- MS 7011 Missiology (3 hrs)
Total Credit Hours (45 hrs)
MAT, Preaching*
Foundational Core (30 hrs)
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics (3 hrs)
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics (3 hrs)
- HT 3200 Theology I (3 hrs)
- HT 3201 Theology II (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- MN 5060 Evangelism & Discipleship
- MN 5015 Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism Pract.
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- HT 3110 Baptist History
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
Preaching Emphasis (15 hrs)
- HT 3203 Tradition and Scripture (3 hrs)
- HT 3230 Biblical Theology (3 hrs)
- MN 5161 Expository Preaching I: Sermon Prep. Pract. (3 hrs)
- MN 5162 Expository Preaching II: Sermon Delivery Pract. (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- HT 3300 Introduction to Apologetics
- MN 5430 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry
Total Credit Hours (45 hrs)
MAT, Missions
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Foundational Core (30 hrs)
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics (3 hrs)
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics (3 hrs)
- HT 3200 Theology I (3 hrs)
- HT 3201 Theology II (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- MN 5060 Evangelism & Discipleship
- MN 5015 Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism Pract.
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- HT 3110 Baptist History
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
Missions Emphasis (15 hrs)
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum (3 hrs)
- MN 5490 Ministry Stewardship Practicum (3 hrs)
- MS 7011 Missiology (3 hrs)
- MS 7016 World Religions (3 hrs)
- MS 7207 Missionary Anthropology Practicum (3 hrs)
Total Credit Hours (45 hrs)
MAT, Discipleship
Foundational Core (30 hrs)
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics (3 hrs)
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics (3 hrs)
- HT 3200 Theology I (3 hrs)
- HT 3201 Theology II (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- MN 5060 Evangelism & Discipleship
- MN 5015 Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism Pract.
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- HT 3110 Baptist History
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
Discipleship Emphasis (15 hrs)
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum (3 hrs)
- CE 8110 Principles of Teaching I (3 hrs)
- CE 8111 Principles of Teaching II (3 hrs)
- CE 8411 Age Group Ministry (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- MN 5468 Leadership Practicum
- BC 5510 Biblical Counseling in the Local Church
- CM 9100 Biblical Foundations of Worship
Total Credit Hours (45 hrs)
MAT, Christian Education
Foundational Core (30 hrs)
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics (3 hrs)
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics (3 hrs)
- HT 3200 Theology I (3 hrs)
- HT 3201 Theology II (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- MN 5060 Evangelism & Discipleship
- MN 5015 Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism Pract.
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- HT 3110 Baptist History
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
Christian Education Emphasis (15 hrs)
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum (3 hrs)
- CE 8110 Principles of Teaching I (3 hrs)
- CE 8111 Principles of Teaching II (3 hrs)
- CE 8134 Issues in Christian Education (3 hrs)
- CE 8411 Age Group Ministry (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- MN 5468 Leadership Practicum
- BC 5510 Biblical Counseling in the Local Church
Total Credit Hours (45 hrs)
MAT, Pastoral Ministry*
Foundational Core (30 hrs)
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics (3 hrs)
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics (3 hrs)
- HT 3200 Theology I (3 hrs)
- HT 3201 Theology II (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- MN 5060 Evangelism & Discipleship
- MN 5015 Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism Pract.
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- HT 3110 Baptist History
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
Pastoral Ministry Emphasis (15 hrs)
- MN 5161 Expository Preaching I: Sermon Prep. Pract. (3 hrs)
- MN 5162 Expository Preaching II: Sermon Delivery Pract. (3 hrs)
- MN 5430 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry (3 hrs)
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum (3 hrs)
- CE 8345 Biblical Leadership & Admin. for the Church (3 hrs)
Total Credit Hours (45 hrs)
MAT, Ministry Leadership
Foundational Core (30 hrs)
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics (3 hrs)
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics (3 hrs)
- HT 3200 Theology I (3 hrs)
- HT 3201 Theology II (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- MN 5060 Evangelism & Discipleship
- MN 5015 Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism Pract.
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- HT 3110 Baptist History
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
Ministry Leadership Emphasis (15 hrs)
- MN 5409 Christian Leadership Practicum (3 hrs)
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum (3 hrs)
- MN 5468 Leadership Practicum (3 hrs)
- MN 5490 Ministry Stewardship Practicum (3 hrs)
- CE 8345 Biblical Leadership & Administration for the Church (3 hrs)
Total Credit Hours (45 hrs)Foundational Core (30 hrs)
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics (3 hrs)
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics (3 hrs)
- HT 3200 Theology I (3 hrs)
- HT 3201 Theology II (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- MN 5060 Evangelism & Discipleship
- MN 5015 Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism Pract.
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- HT 3110 Baptist History
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
Ministry Leadership Emphasis (15 hrs)
- MN 5409 Christian Leadership Practicum (3 hrs)
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum (3 hrs)
- MN 5468 Leadership Practicum (3 hrs)
- MN 5490 Ministry Stewardship Practicum (3 hrs)
- CE 8345 Biblical Leadership & Administration for the Church (3 hrs)
Total Credit Hours (45 hrs)
MAT, Student Ministry
Foundational Core (30 hrs)
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics (3 hrs)
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics (3 hrs)
- HT 3200 Theology I (3 hrs)
- HT 3201 Theology II (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- MN 5060 Evangelism & Discipleship
- MN 5015 Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism Pract.
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- HT 3110 Baptist History
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
Student Ministry Emphasis (15 hrs)
- MN 5161 Expository Preaching I: Sermon Prep. Pract.* (3 hrs)
- MN 5162 Expository Preaching II: Sermon Delivery Pract.* (3 hrs)
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum (3 hrs)
- CE 8411 Age Group Ministry (3 hrs)
- CE 8485 Youth Ministry Practicum (3 hrs)
*Female students take CE 8110 Principles of Teaching I in lieu of MN 5161 Expository Preaching I and CE 8111 Principles of Teaching II in lieu of MN 5162 Expository Preaching II
Total Credit Hours (45 hrs)
MAT, Worship Ministries
Foundational Core (30 hrs)
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics (3 hrs)
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics (3 hrs)
- HT 3200 Theology I (3 hrs)
- HT 3201 Theology II (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- MN 5060 Evangelism & Discipleship
- MN 5015 Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism Pract.
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- HT 3110 Baptist History
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
Worship Ministries Emphasis (15 hrs)
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum (3 hrs)
- CM 9100 Biblical Foundations of Worship (3 hrs)
- CM 9205 Survey of Christian Worship & Congregational Song (3 hrs)
- CM 9401 Worship Ministry Administration (3 hrs)
- CM 9403 Corporate Worship Leadership (3 hrs)
Total Credit Hours (45 hrs)
MAT, Biblical Counseling
Foundational Core (30 hrs)
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics (3 hrs)
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics (3 hrs)
- HT 3200 Theology I (3 hrs)
- HT 3201 Theology II (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- MN 5060 Evangelism & Discipleship
- MN 5015 Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism Pract.
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- HT 3110 Baptist History
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
Biblical Counseling Emphasis (15 hrs)
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum (3 hrs)
- BC 5510 Biblical Counseling in the Local Church (3 hrs)
- BC 5501 Biblical Counseling & Psychological Theories (3 hrs)
- BC 5513 Biblical Counseling & Emotional Issues (3 hrs)
- BC 5522 Marriage & Family Counseling (3 hrs)
Total Credit Hours (45 hrs)
MAT, Ministry to Women*
The Master of Applied Theology (MAT) degree, Ministry to Women emphasis, provides the theological and practical foundations for women seeking to follow God’s call on their lives using their God-given spiritual gifts and abilities in and through the church.
Foundational Core (30 hrs)
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics (3 hrs)
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics (3 hrs)
- HT 3200 Theology I (3 hrs)
- HT 3201 Theology II (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- MN 5060 Evangelism & Discipleship
- MN 5015 Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism Pract.
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- HT 3110 Baptist History
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum (3 hrs)
- MN 5901 Biblical Theology of Womanhood (3 hrs)
- MN 5910 Women’s Ministry Practicum (3 hrs)
- CE 8110 Principles of Teaching I (3 hrs)
- CE 8111 Principles of Teaching II (3 hrs)
Ministry to Women Emphasis (15 hrs)
Total Credit Hours (45 hrs)
MAT, Church Planting
Foundational Core (30 hrs)
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics (3 hrs)
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics (3 hrs)
- HT 3200 Theology I (3 hrs)
- HT 3201 Theology II (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- MN 5060 Evangelism & Discipleship
- MN 5015 Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism Pract.
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- HT 3110 Baptist History
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
Church Planting Emphasis (15 hrs)
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum (3 hrs)
- MN 5490 Ministry Stewardship Practicum (3 hrs)
- MS 7660 Church Planting Leadership Practicum (3 hrs)
- MS 7664 Outreach Strategy & Methods Practicum (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- MN 5468 Leadership Practicum
- CE 8345 Biblical Leadership & Admin. for the Church
Total Credit Hours (45 hrs)
MAT, Church Revitalization
Foundational Core (30 hrs)
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics (3 hrs)
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics (3 hrs)
- HT 3200 Theology I (3 hrs)
- HT 3201 Theology II (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- MN 5060 Evangelism & Discipleship
- MN 5015 Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism Pract.
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- HT 3110 Baptist History
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
Church Revitalization Emphasis (15 hrs)
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum (3 hrs)
- MN 5490 Ministry Stewardship Practicum (3 hrs)
- MS 7030 Biblical Foundations for Church Renewal Pract. (3 hrs)
- MS 7032 Church Renewal Practicum (3 hrs)
- Choose One: (3 hrs)
- MN 5468 Leadership Practicum
- CE 8345 Biblical Leadership & Admin. for the Church
Total Credit Hours (45 hrs)
MAT, Worship Ministries - Korean
Foundational Core (30 hrs)
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I (3 hrs)
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II (3 hrs)
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics (3 hrs)
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics (3 hrs)
- HT 3200 Theology I (3 hrs)
- HT 3201 Theology II (3 hrs)
- MN 5060 Evangelism & Discipleship (3 hrs)
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology (3 hrs)
Worship Ministries Emphasis (20 hrs)
- CM 9100 Biblical Foundations of Worship (3 hrs)
- CM 9205 Survey of Christian Worship & Congregational Song (3 hrs)
- CM 9401 Worship Ministry Administration (3 hrs)
- CM 9403 Corporate Worship Leadership (3 hrs)
- CM 9416 Music and Missions (2 hrs)
- CM 9408 Worship Bands Methods (1 hr)
- CM 9409 Worship Team Techniques (1 hr)
- CM 9427 Resources for Worship (1 hr)
- Applied Music Lessons¹ (3 hrs)
Total Credit Hours (50 hrs)