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MA in Worship Ministries


The Master of Arts in Worship Ministries degree (MAWM) prepares students for leadership in the specialized area of worship ministry in the local church.

MAWM Degree Outcomes
Students graduating with a Master of Arts in Worship Ministries will be able to do following:

1. Demonstrate appropriate competencies in music theory, history, and literature

2. Demonstrate a high level of applied musical skill and performance discipline

3. Demonstrate administrative and leadership skill that is appropriate to worship and church music ministry

4. Integrate a Christian lifestyle with professional musical development

5. Demonstrate a balanced approach to the use of traditional and contemporary music styles.


An undergraduate degree in music is advantageous, but not required, as a prerequisite for admission to the degree program. All incoming MAWM students must show proficiency in fundamental musical skills and are assessed by competency tests (see “Competency Test” information in the Course Description sections for a thorough explanation) upon entering the program.


The MAWM is designed to be completed by musically proficient students in two years of full-time study. Accordingly, the duration of this degree depends on the level of competency brought by the applicant in music theory and instrumental practice.


Most courses for the degree are provided in an approved distance education program that provides access to appropriate resources of faculty, library, and a community of learners pursuing similar programs of study. However, some music courses are only offered on campus. Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is approved for Comprehensive Distance Education and students are engaged in a community of learning online whereby faculty and students have opportunities for regular and substantive interaction.

PurposeA 36-hour master’s degree offered in two distinctive curriculum tracks, MAIS Standard and MAIS Fusion-Masters. Students may complete the MAIS Standard curriculum by completing 27 hours of a Foundational Core courses and 9 hours of Intercultural Studies courses.Students may complete the MAIS Fusion-Masters curriculum in two phases. In phase one, students will complete the 27 hours of Foundational Core courses in consecutive fall, winter, and spring terms.1 While enrolled in these courses, students will be placed in a cohort with other MAIS Fusion-Masters students, and participate in weekly in-person meetings with MBTS missions faculty.

In the summer following the completion of the MAIS Foundational Core courses, students will deploy to partner with either IMB or NAMB personnel for the FusionMasters Practicums phase, also known as phase II. During phase II, students will complete the remaining 9 hours. IMB or NAMB personnel will supervise these practicum courses, and an MBTS missions faculty will serve as the professor of record.

Students graduating from the MA in Intercultural Studies degree program will be able to do the following:

1. Interpret Scripture using theologically and historically informed principles.

2. Demonstrate skill in communicating biblical truth cross-culturally.

3. Demonstrate cooperative leadership skills in a missions context.

4. Identify biblically faithful and culturally relevant strategies for church planning in a missions context.

Worship Ministries Course Catalog

Core Course List (30 hrs)

  • BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I or BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II
  • BS 2310 New Testament Survey I or BS 2311 New Testament Survey II
  • HT 3101 History of Christianity II or HT 3110 Baptist History
  • HT 3200 Theology I
  • HT 3201 Theology II
  • HT 3400 Christian Ethics
  • MN 5201 Evangelism
  • MN 5006 Biblical Spirituality
  • CE 8345 Biblical Leadership and Administration for the Church
  • MN 5468 Leadership Practicum

Worship Ministries Course List (24 hrs)

  • CM 9100 Biblical Foundations of Worship
  • CM 9205 Survey of Christian Worship & Congregational Song
  • CM 9401 Worship Ministry Administration
  • CM 9403 Corporate Worship Leadership
  • CM 9421 Worship Technology
  • CM 9103 Preparing Vocalists for Worship
  • CM 9104 Preparing Instrumentalists for Worship
  • CM 9565 Integrative Worship Ministry Experience

Applied Music Lessons (3 hrs)

  • Choose major lesson area from voice, guitar, or piano (3 consecutive semesters at one (1) credit hour per semester)

Music Ensemble Participation (3 hrs)
3 semesters. Choose from the following: 9580 Chapel Choir, CM9582 North Oak Band*, CM9583 Voices of Midwestern**
* Audition only/both vocalists and instrumentalists.
** No audition necessary – all welcome to enroll.