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Will you join Midwestern Seminary to train men and women for the Church? By finishing this fiscal year well, you can help us start next year with momentum. Consider giving by July 31st to our For the Church Fund. Every dollar given to the For the Church Fund is a dollar we don't have to charge a student. Make my gift.

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Midwestern Training Network

With the Church,
For the Church.

The Midwestern Training Network is a group of individuals and churches that are partnering with Midwestern to pursue an accredited, accessible, and affordable Master of Theological Studies. Our concentrations in Church Planting, Preaching & Pastoral Ministry, and Leadership have been developed by proven ministry leaders to combine academic study and real ministry experience.

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The program is simple: students take eleven core classes and four field practicums in their area of emphasis. Similar to the Doctor of Ministry model, our practicums challenge students to apply what they are learning under the guidance of their field supervisor.

Students can begin the program at any time they choose, since the program has six entry points throughout the year. Core classes can be taken fully online, on-campus, or in our innovative hybrid format. The remaining ministry practicums can be completed in any ministry setting.

Whether you’re a church looking to develop your staff or interns, or an individual preparing for a lifetime of ministry, we encourage you to consider the Midwestern Training Network.

Master of Theological Studies


Core Classes

Core Classes

  • Old Testament Survey I
  • Old Testament Survey II
  • New Testament Survey I
  • New Testament Survey II
  • Theology I
  • Theology II
  • History of Christianity II
  • Introduction to Apologetics
  • Christian Ethics
  • Introduction to Hermeneutics
  • Missiology


Field Practicums in your area of expertise

Church Planting Practicums

  • Church Planting Leadership
  • Outreach Strategy and Methods
  • Community Research and Exegesis
  • Church Planting Logistics: Financial & Legal

Preaching / Pastoral Ministry Practicums

  • Preaching I: Sermon Preparation
  • Preaching II: Sermon Delivery
  • Pastoral Ministry/Leadership
  • Church Evangelism/Discipleship

Leadership Practicums

  • Personal Leadership Development
  • Organizational Theory & Management
  • Leading and Managing Change
  • Leadership Team Development

Sample 2-Year Schedule

Students in the Midwestern Training Network receive the benefits of complete flexibility. Classes can be taken at any pace or location including online, on-campus, or at special conferences. Below is a sample of how a student can complete this program in two years. Classes are offered (O) Online, (C) Conference, and/or (P) Practicum

Fall Term
  • Introduction to Hermeneutics (O/C)
  • Old Testament 1 (O)
  • New Testament 1 (O)
Spring Term
  • Old Testament 2 (O)
  • Ethics (O/C)
  • Church Planting Leadership (P)
Summer Term
  • New Testament 2 (O)
  • Apologetics (O/C)
  • Church Planting Logistics: Financial & Legal (P)
Fall Term
  • Theology 1 (O/C)
  • History of Christianity 2 (O)
  • Community Research and Exegesis (P)
Spring Term
  • Theology 2 (O)
  • Outreach Strategy and Methods (P)
  • Missiology (O)

Upgrade your Education

100% of credits earned in the Midwestern Training Network are fully transferrable to continue a Master of Divinity (+41), or to even begin one of our many doctoral programs with minimal additional classes needed.

MDiv: Only 41 additional credit hours!
Doctorate: Minimal additional classes needed!


Frequently Asked Questions

What makes the Midwestern Training Network unique?
The Midwestern Training Network combines rigorous theological education with practical ministry experience, offering a truly innovative and immersive educational experience. This combination coupled with our practicums, innovative delivery models, and flexible programming make the Midwestern Training Network unlike anything else in the world.
What does the MTS cost?
Costing only $350/hour, Midwestern’s Training Network is one of the most affordable accredited degrees in North America. Midwestern Seminary and College is also one of the few evangelical institutions in North America that participates in Federal Student Loan programs. The school also offers a few other select scholarships.Is financial assistance available?
Yes. Midwestern Seminary is one of the few evangelical institutions in North America that participates in Federal Student Loan programs. We also have a few other select scholarships available.

Can I complete my degree online?
Yes. Though many students will choose to take classes at our main campus or through conferences, students enrolled in our MTS program can take up to 100% of their degree online.When can I start?
Midwestern Seminary offers six unique entry points throughout the year making it easy to begin the program anywhere, anytime. With Midwestern’s convenient class schedule, you are never more than eight weeks away from being able to start your MTS.

Is the Midwestern Training Network for individuals or churches?
Whether you’re a church looking to develop your staff or interns, or an individual preparing for a lifetime of ministry, we encourage you to consider the Midwestern Training Network. If you are a church, we desire to help you train leaders for the church. If you are an individual, it is our desire to help you be trained for ministry, both theologically and practically. We would love to help you get connected to a church that is part of the Training Network or talk with your church about how they can become part of the Training Network.

How does The Midwestern Training Network benefit my church?
The Midwestern Training Network is a resource for your church to help you keep, recruit, and train leaders and pastors by offering them a unique opportunity of theological and practical training while serving in your church. Whether your church has one student or twenty students, we have designed the network to help you train leaders for the church.The uniqueness to the program is that it allows you as the church to use strategic practicums in which you get to choose the ministry setting, the style, and the reading list, enabling you to invest your own DNA into the student. You also lead cohort discussions and lectures over the classes the student is taking, enabling you to further invest through interactive classroom style training. Finally, you have the chance to offer a fully accredited masters degree in partnership with your churches training of leaders for the church.

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