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Welcome Series Appeal DP

Posted April 17, 2023 by Maddie Parham

Help Us Equip Future Pastors and Ministry Leaders

Thank you for deeply loving and caring for the Church! Together we have the privilege of further equipping the Church.

At Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MBTS) we are committed to equipping the next generation of pastors and ministry leaders for the Church, teaching believers how to live their faith in community with others.

When you provide a gift to MBTS you are helping to ensure that the message of Christ is not lost, and that the church is equipped with leaders who can effectively disciple and grow believers in community with others.

Your gift will help provide the tools and resources required to develop the faith of future pastors and ministry leaders. With your help, we can:

  • Ease the burden of tuition costs, allowing students to focus on their calling without crippling debt

  • Support passionate pastors in training on MBTS’ campus in Kansas City and through distance learning programs

  • Equip graduates with preaching resources to effectively lead their congregations

  • Create and share resources that foster spiritual growth and unity within churches.

You can empower pastors and ministry leaders to grow churches that will encourage Christians to faithfully live our their faith.

Will you join us in this mission to equip the next generation of pastors and ministry leaders to help people understand, know, and live the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Thank you for being a part of the MBTS community. You can make your gift using the secure form below.