Online Conversations with MBTS Faculty
From January to March, you’ll have the opportunity to hear from Midwestern Seminary professors about their areas of expertise, and ask them any questions you want! Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks below to reserve your spot. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. We’ll see you soon!
JANUARY 29th, 12-1PM
How can you take the next step in caring for the souls in and around your life? How can you help people through the hardest seasons of their lives? In this FTC Talk, you’ll meet up with the Executive Director of ACBC, Dr. Dale Johnson, to discuss how to be further equipped to care for people in your life and ministry. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask any and all questions related to caring for people in your church! Register today to reserve your spot and to connect with other pastors and ministry leaders seeking to care for their flocks.
Discipling Women
February 7, 1-2PM
Are you a woman with a passion to grow in your discipleship to other women? In this special FTC Talk with Christy Allen and Leslie Umstattd, you’ll have the opportunity to connect and engage with other women on how best to pursue discipleship to women in our cultural moment today. In this free and online conversation, you’ll gain insight into overcoming particular struggles in discipling women while learning strategies and rhythms to help you care for the women in and around your life. We hope you’ll join us for this special time to care for the women in our churches together!
Spurgeon the Pastor
February 28, 1-2PM
How was the Prince of Preachers as a pastor? Where did Spurgeon find the time to care for the thousands of church members who would regularly attend his weekly sermons? In this exclusive conversation with Spurgeon expert Dr. Geoff Chang, you’ll discover how Spurgeon prioritized the health of his members in the midst of his preaching ministry. In the end, you’ll gain practical insight into how we can learn from Spurgeon’s example in prioritizing people for the sake of healthy churches in our day. Register today to reserve your spot on this free online conversation!
God’s Heart for the Nations
March 12, 1-2PM
How are we to reach the ends of the earth in today’s cultural climate? What practices or strategies should pastors and ministry leaders employ to reach the nations? Join Dr. Joe Allen III as he leads this special conversation on Missions for the 21st Century. Whether you’re called to go or called to send, you’ll gain practical advice on how to pursue your calling with faithfulness for the sake of all peoples. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with others across the nation as we mobilize together as the Church!
Gospel-Driven Ministry
March 26, 12-1PM
What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? In this FTC Talk, you’ll meet with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry. You’ll discuss everything from pastoral health and pastoral care to how to know when your ministry veers off track. Not only will you be equipped to minister the gospel from a place of health through this conversation, but you’ll also receive personal encouragement from men who have practiced gospel-centered pastoral ministry for decades. We hope you’ll join us for this special conversation!
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